Yup, this is what it is, a White Hole, as you would think it is the opposite of a Black Hole. Technically, it's a hypothetical time reversal of a blakhole. They are implied by a negative square root solution to the Schwarzchild metric.Opposite of black holes sucking everything in, these white holes repel all matter, even light. A white hole has nto yet been found, so their existence is questionable It violates the seond law of thermodynaimcs, which states that heat flows from high temperature to low temperature, but since white holes never run out of heat or mass, they never dissipate their heat, violating many other physics laws too.
All this about White holes holds true for our universe, they might exist in parallel or alternate universes.
Well that is all known about those for now. Maybe they will soon be discover more things and we'll be able to do time travel!